Integrated Tools
LinkedIn Learning - LMU has license to more 5,000 video tutorials covering business, creative, technology topics and more. This is curated content from industry experts.
Khan Academy - Engaging instructional videos across disciplines including Math, Science, Finance, Economics, and Humanities
PBS Video - Award-winning national programming and locally produced shows.
TeacherTube - Provides an online community for sharing instructional videos. An educationally focused, safe venue for teachers and schools.
Ted Talks - TED believes in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. TED is a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.
YouTube - YouTube allows billions of people to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube provides a forum for people to connect, inform, and inspire others across the globe and acts as a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers large and small.
Archive.Org - This is the grand daddy of all public domain archives for images, text, audio, and film. It takes a bit to get used to using the site but once you get the hang of it, it is well worth it. Lots of treasures here.
American Memory - These are history images from the Library of Congress.
Bowdoin Botany Database - Images are copyrighted but are free for educators: "Educators and students may use these images as part of their teaching, research, and/or studies, but may not sell or otherwise make a profit on their use."
Burning Well - This is one of numerous archives of public domain images.
Clipart Etc. - From the University of Florida. A maximum of fifty (50) clipart items may be used in any non-commercial, educational project (report, presentation, display, website, etc.) without special permission.
Creative Commons Search - This combines multiple search engines and gives you the results in one spot based on license chosen.
Images in the Public Domain - Many of these are from old encyclopedias. Still useful.
Library of Congress - Most of the images in these holdings are in public domain unless specifically cataloged otherwise.
Public Domain Images - This site collects high quality public domain images.
Public Domain Image links - This is from the University of Wisconsin. Great metasite with links to many public domain resources.
Web Gallery of Art - Intended to be a free resource of art history primarily for students and teachers. It is a private initiative not related to any museums or art institutions, and not supported financially by any state or corporate sponsors.
Wikimedia - One option to search: go to Google and type: "search term" where "search term" equals a single word like "photosynthesis." Notice that there is only a single space AFTER "org." Do not put a space after the colon.