Studying the past can dramatically improve students' analytical thinking and writing skills. Below, you will find worksheets that can aid students beyond the history classroom. Please note that these worksheets are also used if you choose to include a primary source, artifact, or historical context activity as a part of your scheduled tour. These worksheets are not limited to studying the life of Lincoln and the American Civil War - feel free to use these worksheets to explore other historical subjects within the classroom, too.
Museums are locations for both traditional and nontraditional learning. At the ALLM, we invite adult students, doctors, social workers, and other professionals to consider how they can use the museum to think "outside of the exhibit" with these special lesson approaches.
Using Artifacts to Drive Analysis
Objective: Participants will learn how historians examine artifacts, analyze and describe artifacts, and identify ways to use historical thinking skills in everyday life and occupations.
Time: 15-30 minutes
Objective: Participants will learn how to use the museum setting for a happier and healthier life.
Time: 15 minutes to one hour
Museums as a Space for Empathetic Conversations
Objective: Through guided group conversations, participants will learn how artifacts can be used to discuss human tragedy, build empathy, and share experiences with peers.
Time: 15-30 minutes
In these lesson plans for students in Grades K-4 and Grades 5-12, students will be introduced to both the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum and the work of museums with age-appropriate vocabulary, discussions, and activities. This is a particularly great activity to complete prior to visiting the Museum. Meets NCHS Historical Thinking Standards.
Lessons and activities on Abraham Lincoln for grades 1 - 12 based on 2019-2020 Tennessee State Standards.
1st-2nd Grades
What Makes a Good Citizen Lesson Plan
What Makes a Good Citizen Worksheet
Objective: Students will be introduced to good citizenship through the story I Am Abraham Lincoln by Brad Meltzer.
Time: 1 hour
Keywords: Lincoln, Civil War, slavery, citizenship, community, equality
Tennessee Social Studies Standards 2019-2020: 1st grade: Government and Civics, 1.15, 1.17, 1.18; History, 1.26;
2nd grade: Government and Civics, 2.28; History, 2.29
3rd Grade
Mapping Tennessee and the Civil War
Objective: Students will be introduced to Tennessee locations and divisions in the context of the years leading to the American Civil War.
Time: 1 hour
Keywords: Tennnessee, sectional divides, geography, transportation, slavery
Tennessee Social Studies Standards 2019-2020: 3rd grade: United States and Tennessee Geography, 3.12; Social Studies Practices, SSP.06
9th-12th Grades
Of the People, By the People, For the People Conversation Series
Objective: Introduce students to good citizenship and explore the evolving idea of what defines the American citizen through the lens of Abraham Lincoln's life.
Time: At least 8 hours, total, for the entire series, though separate sessions may be broken down into individual, 1.5 - 2 hour sessions.
Keywords: Lincoln, citizenship, community, voting rights, local, state, national
Tennessee Social Studies Standards 2019-2020: SSP.01, SSP.02, SSP.04, SSP.05, CI.08; CI.11, CI.12, CI.14, GC.31, GC. 33, GC.34