Carney Presents Research at Altus Summit

Dr. Carney

File photo: Dr. Carney speaking at a recent awards ceremony

Lincoln Memorial University-College of Veterinary Medicine (LMU-CVM) Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Admissions Dr. Kim Carney presented research at the ALTUS Summit virtual conference June 7.


“We are constantly striving to make our admissions process as fair and unbiased as possible through holistic evaluation,” said Carney. “Our current research is focused on an online situational judgement test and how it can be used to predict holistic student success. The holistic success factors we are looking at include resilience, empathy, and academic success.”


Carney presented her research to 250 conference participants from all over the world.


“Presenting at Altus Summit was a great opportunity to share LMU-CVM with the world,” she said. “I presented alongside researchers from Yale and other international institutions.  Seeing how other professions and schools are using the same assessment in different processes provided tremendous inspiration for improving our systems.”


Carney was a 2021 recipient of a $10,000 Alo Grant for Inclusive Educational Selection which supports academic research that enables inclusive, scalable, and informed applicant selection.


The Alo Grant for Inclusive Educational Selection supports academic research in technology and algorithm design that enables inclusive, scalable, and informed applicant selection. Altus is developing professionalism assessments that enable administrators to connect their core profession-specific competencies to selection and training evaluations.


Altus Assessments integrates data from across systems – breaking down data silos and creating a rich, contextual set of analytics and reporting that enable actionable insights. The result: better decisions, better processes and better outcomes for students and programs.


Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) is a values-based learning community dedicated to providing educational experiences in the liberal arts and professional studies. The LMU-College of Veterinary Medicine is located on LMU’s main campus in Harrogate, Tennessee, with additional academic facilities in nearby Lee County, Virginia. LMU-CVM is an integral part of the University’s medical programs and provides real-world, community-based education in a collaborative learning environment. For more information about LMU-CVM, call 1.800.325.0900, ext. 7150 or visit us online at




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