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The Kincaid Family Story

Dorothy and Hansel KincaidHansel Oliver Kincaid and his wife Dorothy Meyer Kincaid have been financial supporters of Lincoln Memorial University for many years. Hansel's uncle, Dr. Robert Lee Kincaid, served as LMU's ninth president from 1947 to 1958. Additionally, Hansel's father William Oran Kincaid taught penmanship at the University in the early years.

After graduating from high school in Florida, Hansel Kincaid served with distinction as an enlisted soldier in the European Theater of WWII. Hansel earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Tulane University, and after marriage to Dorothy he practiced as a CPA in Midland, Texas for more than fifty years.

Dorothy M. Kincaid graduated from high school in Longview, Texas and earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Texas Woman’s University. In addition, she was licensed as a medical technician from the distinguished program at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. 



Gary Thurman

When Mr. Kincaid’s health prevented him from carrying the full weight of his tax practice, he asked Mr. Gary L. Thurman to help service his core clientele. Eventually, Mrs. Kincaid asked Mr. Thurman to help administer her husband’s estate. Because of that relationship, Mrs. Kincaid requested that Mr. Thurman be the Independent Executor of her estate with particular attention to advancement of the Judeo-Christian Ethic.

Since 2018, Mr. Thurman has served as National Honorary Campaign Chair of the Kincaid Challenge Campaign, along with Dr. B. James Dawson as National Honorary Campaign Co-Chair. Mr. Thurman’s Campaign partnership and leadership helped make possible the transformation of the Museum and the establishment of the Kincaid Gallery and Dr. Robert L. Kincaid Endowed Research Center, and his work has truly honored the Kincaid family’s legacy at Lincoln Memorial University.

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