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Accessible Education Services

LMU is committed to providing accessible educational support services to enable students with disabilities to participate in, and benefit from, all University programs and activities. Every effort is made to reasonably accommodate the needs of a student with a disability. It is important for students to understand that it is the student's responsibility to request accessibility services at a post-secondary institution, and timely requests for services are imperative for the best possible outcomes in seeking and receiving reasonable accommodations. Our mission is to work with you as a team to remove barriers that may hinder your ability to fully participate in the academic experience at Lincoln Memorial University.

Accessible educational support services are administered by the Office of Accessible Education Services. Any issues related to accessibility, the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA"), or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ("Section 504") should be directed to: 

Jason Davis, Director
Office Location: Carnegie Vincent Library - 105
Phone: 423.869.6587

Documents Needed When Applying for Accommodations

  1. Student Request for Accommodations Form. This form must be submitted EACH semester.
    • Fall: September 1st
    • Spring: February 1st
    • Summer: June 1st
  2. Medical Documentation/Comprehensive Evaluation. This documentation is required only during this initial process when being approved for accommodations. It is very important that your documents are:
    • completed by a qualified professional
    • within the last three years
    • dated since you turned 18
    • comprehensive
    Click to read our Accessible Education Policy and Procedures
    Please read the policies for the following diagnosis:
  3. Letter from Your Doctor. If your Medical Documentation/Comprehensive Evaluation does not include recommended accommodations, please also submit a letter from your doctor that lists the accommodations you are requesting.

Once all documentation is submitted, we will move forward with scheduling your Welcome Meeting. The meeting can be done in-person or via Zoom. During this meeting we will discuss your situation and review your documents. If you are approved for accommodations, we will discuss accommodations details. After the meeting you will receive an email that will list the next steps in the process.

Additional Forms and Documents

  • Student Accommodation Request
  • Accessible Education Formal Grievance
    • This form should be completed and submitted for grievances concerning disability-related matters including, but not limited to, determinations of a request for accommodation, the provision of accommodations, or access to LMU facilities.
  • Grievance Appeal Request
    • This form should be used by students or employees to request an Appeal of an Accessible Educations Services Formal Grievance determination.
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