LMU-SMS Hosts Commencement for PA and DMS Programs

PA Class of 2022 Knoxville Group

DMS 2022 fall gradsThe Lincoln Memorial University-School of Medical Sciences (LMU-SMS) held Fall Commencement Exercises on December 17 at the Knoxville Convention Center, Knoxville, Tennessee. LMU President Clayton Hess conferred the degrees of 55 Master of Medical Science in physician assistant studies and 23 Doctor of Medical Science graduates.


Randal Dabbs, MD, FACEP, FAAFP, co-founder of TeamHealth, the largest physician management organization in the US, based in Knoxville, Tennessee, was the keynote speaker. As President of Practice Development, he has developed and continues to oversee many national programs that enhance the practice of medicine at TeamHealth across all service lines throughout the country. He serves as TeamHealth’s liaison to the American College of Emergency Physicians and is the executive sponsor of the Advanced Practice Clinician Council and the Substance Use Work Group. He also serves as Clinical Director of the Doctor of Medical Science program at LMU.


Dabbs shared with the graduates the tips for staying enthusiastic about work which he calls the “high five: five tactics to get high at work” challenging students to serve all, manage up, acknowledge everyone, collaborate effectively, and appreciate their gifts and use them wisely.


“When you stop and recognize and appreciate the power of your gift, you cannot help but get high at work, every day, every shift,” Dabbs said.


The ceremony also included a welcome from Dean Michael Stephens, DMS; introduction of the speaker by DMS Program Director Paula Miksa, DMS; introduction of class president by Assistant Dean Stephanie Hull, DMS; SGA address by Class of 2022 President Carl Montgomery; and reading of names by Medical Laboratory Science Program Director Billy Engle, DD. Hooding the PA graduates were Hull, Assistant Professor and Director of Clinical Education Sonia Rupani, DMS, and Associate Professor and Director of Clinical Phase Operations Dustin Bates, DMS. Hooding the DMS graduates were Miksa, Assistant Professor Aisha Hussein, DMS, and Associate Professor Joshua Shepherd, DMS. Assistant Professor Daniel Drinnen, MD, and Associate Professor Michael Burger, EdD  presented diplomas.


“On behalf of LMU and the School of Medical Sciences, we are honored that you have given us the opportunity to call you alumni,” said Stephens in his charge to the graduates.


View the photo album of the event here: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAjw83

View the recording of the event here: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/lincolnmemorialevents/portal.htm?eventId=717972&streamType=video

View the program here:



Established in 2019, LMU-SMS is home to LMU’s Physician Assistant Program at the main campus in Harrogate, a Surgical Physician Assistant Program at LMU-Knoxville, the Doctor of Medical Science completion program in Harrogate, and the Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science degree program. The school supports the University’s mission of service to Appalachia and other underserved areas by maintaining high quality medical education and supporting student success.


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