Courses available for tutoring are grouped alphabetically below. Click on the course range, scroll to find the course you are interested in, select your course, and enter your information at the bottom to schedule and confirm your appointment.
If you are a nursing student enrolled in NURS-xxx courses, please contact Carrie Love, RN, Academic Support Coordinator for Nursing, for further assistance. If you need help with writing a paper, you may schedule those appointments here.
Our current policy and procedures manual is available in print form in the Tagge Center or online.
The Tagge Tutoring Center is located just inside the Carnegie-Vincent Library. Our tutoring hours are: Monday-Thursday, 8am-10pm and Friday, 8am-4pm.
Other options for making an appointment for tutoring
Interested in becoming a Tagge Tutor?
If you have any issues or problems please contact Ms. Stephanie Wright, Director of the Tagge Center for Academic Success, for more information.