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Knoxville Physician Assistant Program

The program is a full-time, closed, 27-month cohort curriculum leading to a Master of Medical Science (MMS) in Physician Assistant Studies. Part-time enrollment is not offered. This intensive 115-credit hour curriculum provides a solid foundation in primary care medicine and includes expanded training in surgical sciences. The first four (4) semesters are completed in the classroom (Didactic Phase), and the final three (3) semesters are completed at the clinical sites of the program’s clinical affiliates (Clinical Phase). The Didactic Phase curriculum includes a blend of learning activities, including lectures, laboratory sessions, simulated patient encounters, and small group discussions. Topics covered in the Principles of Clinical Medicine courses are sequenced with topics covered in the Clinically Oriented Anatomy and Dissection and Patient Assessment and Clinical Skills courses.

The program also places an emphasis on concepts critical for safe and effective care of patients in surgical and acute care settings. The includes instruction in pre-operative assessment, physiologic changes that occur during surgery, documentation of surgical procedures, and identification and management of post-operative complications. During Supervised Clinical Practices (SCPEs) experience in the Clinical Phase, students apply concepts learned in the Didactic Phase to novel patient encounters in primary care and surgical settings. The program offers three (3) selective SCPEs that may be completed in surgical or medicine disciplines offered by the program. Students must successfully complete all components of the Didactic and Clinical Phases of the program to be eligible to take the Summative Evaluation. Students must pass all components of the Summative Evaluation, including achievement of the program’s graduate competencies, to be eligible for graduation.

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