To inquire about this program:
Dr. Jessey Gilley | 423.869.7423 |
Places vary greatly in climate, resources, and cultural views, but even places that are far from each other share numerous commonalities. To understand the world, it is important to learn how people and places are interconnected. A minor in Geography allows students to examine interconnectedness in a variety of natural and social contexts including:
A thorough understanding of global geography is extremely relevant in the current political, social, and environmental context. Events such as wars, cultural shifts, natural disasters, and economic crises do not just happen, but are influenced by complex circumstances. Geography explores global issues while at the same time celebrating the ways local people live and experience their everyday lives.
Future teachers can help students understand the world around them when they themselves have an in-depth understanding of geography, and environmental workers benefit from exploring the varied factors that connect people across the globe. Geography provides depth to the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences at all academic levels, and healthcare workers benefit by understanding the unevenness of health and disease and the health needs of local communities. For business leaders, geography is imperative to creating and marketing new products and services.
Select 18 credit hours from the following: