DCOM Faculty Image

LMU-DCOM Faculty Development

Mission Statement

LMU-DCOM is committed to providing faculty development in a sustainable and stimulating academic environment where faculty thrive as professors, scholars, leaders, and colleagues.

Topics of Interest


Recurring Faculty Technology Training
(check Outlook for schedule)
November 20:
LMU-DCOM Available Resources
December 5:
Promoting Faculty Wellness and Self-Care Workshop
(Correlating FD Canvas Module: Stress and Fatigue Modules)

December 12:
The Flipped Classroom and What it Looks Like in Medical Education
(Correlating FD Canvas Module: The Flipped Classroom)

January 9:
Teaching Procedural Skills
(Correlating FD Canvas Module: Teaching Procedural Skills)

February 10, DCOM MANS100:
Making it Stick: Helping Medical Educators Improve Student Learning
(Correlating FD Canvas Module: Retrieval, Spacing, and Interleaving)

February 24, 10-11:30, DCOMK 133/134:
Making it Stick: Helping Medical Educators Improve Student Learning
(Correlating FD Canvas Module: Retrieval, Spacing, and Interleaving)

March 3:
Spring 2025 LMU-DCOM Intramural Award Informational Session

Faculty and Staff Support Tracks for Learning 2024-2025
DCOM Tracks of Learning 2024-2025

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