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The Center for Innovation in Veterinary Education and Technology (CIVET) was established by the vanguard thinkers at Lincoln Memorial University-College of Veterinary Medicine to incite and support the dynamic improvement of veterinary education. CIVET is a group that includes researchers investigating novel veterinary educational methods, disrupters of traditional didactic lectures, creators of models for clinical skill simulations and assessments, and front-line clinical educators. These CIVET investigators of change aim to find and share creative solutions to the modern challenges of delivering veterinary education.


Mission Statement

The Center for Innovation in Veterinary Education and Technology (CIVET) is focused on enhancing veterinary education, providing tools and training to educators, and advancing educational knowledge.


Strategic Goals
  1. To facilitate the development and dissemination of innovative teaching techniques in veterinary education.

  2. To promote the development and adoption of effective educational methods that reduce, replace and refine animal usage in veterinary education.

  3. To offer advanced training and continuing education for current and prospective veterinary educators.

  4. To provide and coordinate research opportunities in veterinary education.

  5. To enhance collaboration among veterinary colleges, industry stakeholders, and future employers to advance developments in the field of veterinary education.