This is "Office Hours," a series featuring our fantastic faculty.
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The Carter & Moyers School of Education prepares and mentors professional educators of distinction, whether they be teachers, administrators, or other school professionals inculcated with the Lincoln Memorial University core ideals of Values, Education, and Service to make a positive impact on this generation and the next. The Carter and Moyers School of Education of Lincoln Memorial University is dedicated to preparing professional educators of distinction who embody the three core ideals of Values, Education, and Service in candidates who:
Demonstrate the dispositions of the education profession. Articulate and demonstrate the knowledge base of moral, social, and political dimensions, which will impact individual students, schools, districts, and communities for the enrichment of society.
Demonstrate the teaching skills and learning strategies acquired through rigorous academic studies and active engagement in real life classroom experiences while involved in field and clinical placement in partner P-12 Schools. Promote lifelong learning through continued professional development and scholarship.
Assist in meeting the educational needs of a global society, especially the underserved. Articulate an understanding that all students can learn as well as demonstrate the dispositions to serve and teach diverse student populations.
The Carter & Moyers School of Education and the Tennessee Department of Education have determined that our curriculum meets the state educational requirements for licensure or certification in the state of Tennessee. For information about eligibility or reciprocity for certification or licensure in other states, please check the following link:
Teacher Licensure and Professional Counseling
After over 20 years of dedicated service to the Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) Carter and Moyers School of Education, Dr. Teresa Bicknell has announced her plans to retire at the end of the Spring 2025 semester.
The Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) Carter and Moyers School of Education honored graduating education students with a Bronze Cording Ceremony at LMU-Cedar Bluff. This event recognized the achievements of students who will graduate on Dec. 14 on LMU’s main campus in Harrogate, Tennessee.
Faculty members from the Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) Carter and Moyers School of Education attended the Fall 2024 Tennessee Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (TACTE). The conference served as a platform for leaders in teacher education to discuss current trends, challenges, and advancements in preparing future educators across the state.