At LMU Law, we pride ourselves on a practice-ready curriculum that equips our students and graduates with the skills and expertise to excel in your workplace. Whether you're looking for a current law student or a seasoned alumnus, our talented pool of candidates is ready to make an immediate impact.
Posting a job opportunity with us is quick and effortless. Simply use our user-friendly job post form below, and our Director of Career Services will personally review your submission before sharing it with our vibrant community of aspiring and experienced legal professionals.
Our alumni are making waves across the United States, not only in traditional legal roles but also in innovative industries beyond the courtroom. Let us help you find the perfect fit for your team.
Have specific hiring needs or want to discuss your search in detail? Reach out to us at Law.CareerServices@LMUnet.edu. For confidential information, feel free to include details in the notes section of the form.
Partner with LMU Law and discover the talent that will drive your organization forward.